Trademark Policy
pro med instruments, Inc., d/b/a Black Forest Medical Group (“Black Forest Medical”), has a reputation for providing high-quality products and services. Black Forest Medical’s trademarks are important assets and Black Forest Medical requires that they be used properly. In order to protect its trademarks and valuable reputation, Black Forest Medical monitors use of its trademarks by others and guards against any third-party violation of its trademark rights. This Trademark Policy provides certain guidance with regard to how Black Forest Medical’s trademarks may and may not be used.
Black Forest Medical Trademarks
BLACK FOREST MEDICAL and the BLACK FOREST MEDICAL GROUP Logo are trademarks of Black Forest Medical Group.
PRO MED INSTRUMENTS, DORO®, DORO COBRA®, DORO LUCENT®, DORO LUNA® and QUICK-RAIL® are trademarks of pro med instruments, part of Black Forest Medical Group.
Black Forest Medical Group acknowledges the desire of third-parties to describe and explain its products and to compare its products with the products of others by reference to not only Black Forest Medical’s own trademarks but also the marks of those other entities. Black Forest Medical requests that any descriptions or explanations of its products or services to other be made only on the basis of the names, model numbers, features, functions and uses of those products and Black Forest Medical’s own names and model numbers of those products and not by reference to any products or services manufactured by others. Further, any comparisons of Black Forest Medical’s products and services to the goods and services of others should be made by reference to the names and model numbers given by Black Forest Medical to those products. In short, do not explain or describe Black Forest Medical products and services in any manner that might lead to any confusion as to the source of those products. Black Forest Medical goods and services are to be described, explained and compared by reference to Black Forest Medical’s own product names and model numbers and not by reference to any products of others.
Black Forest Medical also acknowledges third-party desire to a relationship or affiliation with Black Forest Medical.
You may not use Black Forest Medical’s trademarks, service marks, or names in any way or manner that suggests any sort of relationship or affiliation with, or any type of approval or sponsorship by Black Forest Medical without Black Forest Medical’s prior written authorization.
When using Black Forest Medical’s Trademarks, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Do not use Black Forest Medical’s trademarks as nouns. Black Forest’s trademarks must be used as adjectives with nouns that properly and accurately identify the Black Forest Medical product, service, program, material, or technology to which you are referencing.
- Do not use any Black Forest Medical trademarks or product names in any way that is likely to cause confusion about the source or origin of any product or service.
- Do not use any Black Forest Medical trademarks or product names in any marketing materials you create without the written permission of Black Forest Medical.
- Do not use any Black Forest Medical trademark or product name as or as part of any company, product, service, solution, technology, or program name.
- Do not register or use any domain name containing any Black Forest Medical trademark or product name, or anything that is confusingly similar to a Black Forest Medical trademark or product name.
- Do not alter, modify, change, morph or amend any Black Forest Medical trademarks or product names.
- Do not use any Black Forest Medical trademark or product name in connection with your own business or product names.
- Do not use any Black Forest Medical trademark or product name as part of any name of any product, service or program you provide.
- Do not combine any Black Forest Medical trademark or product name with any other trademark or name of any other entity or combine Black Forest Medical’s trademarks or product names with any letters, numbers, words, or any design or logo.
- Do not use any Black Forest Medical trademark or product name in any manner that appears more prominent than your own business, product or service name.
- All reference to Black Forest Medical or use of any Black Forest Medical mark or name must be truthful, accurate, and not misleading.
Permissible Trademark Uses
Black Forest Medical understands that use of its trademarks and product names may be necessary to refer to Black Forest Medical’s products and services and to inform consumers of the availability of such products and services, as in catalogs or similar materials. Such uses are acceptable so long as the use of Black Forest Medical’s trademarks and product names is accurate and descriptive in nature.
This policy may be updated from time to time and without any notice. For the most up to date version of this policy, always reference Black Forest Medical’s website at www.blackforestmedical.com.
This document is not intended to serve as legal advice. Should you have questions regarding your legal rights or duties, please consult your own attorney.